Mmoexp Path of exile currency: This mana regeneration node restores | A3BOOk

Mmoexp Path of exile currency: This mana regeneration node restores

Passive Tree
For the Monk, you’ll want to focus on Evasion/Energy Shield hybrid nodes early on for survivability. Evasion will be crucial for dodging attacks and staying alive during tougher encounters, while Energy Shield acts as a buffer for massive hits from bosses.
Here’s a breakdown of key nodes:
Dreamer: This mana regeneration node restores a portion of mana on kills, helping you sustain your skills early on without worrying too much about mana issues.
Blinding Strike: A great choice for the Monk, this node gives a 10% chance to inflict Blind on hit, reducing enemy accuracy and making it easier to Path of exile currency dodge attacks.
Power Charge Nodes: Path toward Power Charge nodes to increase the damage scaling of Falling Thunder. These will significantly boost your single-target DPS, especially when combined with Tempest Flurry and Siphoning Strike.
Quarterstaff Nodes: If you plan on using a Quarterstaff as your primary weapon, be sure to grab these nodes for added damage and survivability. It’s located near Evasion and Herald nodes, which will synergize well with POE currency for sale your overall build.
Posted in Educational on February 27 2025 at 07:29 AM
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